My Cardboard Box

Archive for September 2010

Prying the ‘O’ off the Keyboard

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Congress has decided to go on recess and campaign, without having to deal with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. There’s been argument by the progressive wing for extending it to just the middle-class and below, and by the Democrat moderates and Republicans for just keeping the cuts as they are. Reasons for Congress not extending the cuts range from the more moderate Democrats “spooked” by angry voters should the cuts be limited to “the middle-class “, to the slim-to-no-chance of it getting passed in the form that the Progressives want. Since the latter want what they want, it’s been kicked down the road until past the November elections.

But maybe the reason is more cynical than that. The Democrats are possibly leaving the decision as to whether or not to extend the cuts depending on whether or not the Republicans take the House.

If the Republicans do gain a majority, they won’t be sworn in until January, two days after the tax cuts have expired. They then will either have to scramble to get new tax cuts enacted or accept the expiration. The former means they will have to negotiate with the White House, and the latter gives them a political black eye. In either case, the Democrats will have essentially set the new Republican Congress’ agenda for months. It’s like prying the ‘O’ off Congressional keyboards, but far more damaging.

If they gain, but not enough for a majority, the Republicans may still face expiration of the tax cuts, but the present GOP representatives will be forced to deal with the Democrats on their terms (i.e. no tax cuts for anyone making more than $250,000 per year) in order to get the tax cuts extended. The Democratic majority has already indicated it will do unpopular things – this will be merely another one.

If the Democrats maintain control of the House, they can and will likely extend the tax cuts for those making below $250,000/year of course and take still credit. The Republicans are forced (or perhaps not, if they’re Establishment GOP) to go along.

I won’t even mention what that would do to the Tea Parties.

Written by PappyBro

September 28, 2010 at 19:00

Posted in Politix

Remember September 19th, Me Hearties!

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Written by PappyBro

September 18, 2010 at 15:51

Posted in Uncategorized

The Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion

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When I first saw this wonderful obituary*, I chuckled at the donations-request.

Then this one appeared (look for Mr. Unsworth’s).

Y’know – one more and, to quote an Arlo Guthrie tune, “it’s an organization“.

Call it the Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion.

*I’m trying to figure out how to make it to Arlington Cemetary on December 9th.

Written by PappyBro

September 13, 2010 at 20:45

Posted in Media, Politix